
Making the Grade 2.0

This piece Of good and solid advice is very important. I know I don't even have to talk to most of you about this, but If you were like me, and school just wasn't your thing, this advice is definitely for you! 

Young sister's! Stay in school seriously! For most teams all you need is a 2.0 to a 2.5 G.P.A. to stay on the team. Do you know how easy that is? That's just average, all C's and maybe a couple B's. they're not asking for perfection, and believe me, its nothing wrong with it either. I cant tell you how many times I've seen young gifted  basketball players lose their opportunity to have a wonderful collegiate career and possibly professional career because of poor grades.

 You have to motivate yourself. If you have class with some of your teammates ask them for your help if your stuck. No question is a dumb question. The only dumb question is the one that doesn't get asked! You feel me? Anyways I just want to stress the importance of staying focused in school, not just to stay on the team, that's a good motivator, but for you in the long run. Your grades follow you every where and it says something about you. It says this person can follow directions, learn something, and apply it. Its no different than getting graded on the bball court; IE playing time, knowing the play, knowing the rules of the game etc. Its all the same! 

Well I'm going to tell you my little story, its a sad story but it ends in a happy ending. 

I'll be honest with you, I hated school. I didnt hate the teachers or the students, I just didn't like the concept of waking up extra early to sit for 8 hours in a classroom. I didn't understand the importance of keeping my G.P.A. up and how if I didn't do this my future could be shot. During my 10Th grade year I slacked a lot in high school. I skipped some classes, showed up late to others, but made sure I was on time and ready for basketball practice.  I didn't think much of it despite the warnings from teachers and then eventually my coaches. I was stubborn and it didn't stop me from doing what I was doing. 

The thing about being on a basketball team is that , yes, you do get a little love from you teachers. I mean we were able to leave school to go play games and we had a bit of celebrity status getting our face sin major news papers and much more. Well I took all that for granted and continued to skip class and not even show up on some days. I also had some other personal things going on then too, but it wasn't a good enough excuse to miss as many classes as I did. 

Well progress reports went out, and yes your coaches get this report as well as your parents. Sure enough I was called to the Head Coaches office, Coach om Pryor and we had a meeting about my grades and I was given a probationary period to either get it together or I was off the team! I had two weeks to prove that I could get to my classes and stay focused while I was there and between those two weeks, if i could make that effort, my spot on the team was mine.

Well Ladies,  I slipped , I didn't follow up with my part of the deal and two weeks later I was called into the office again. This time my parents were there and all the coaching staff. I was informed to turn in my uniform and to select a P.E. class for the remainder of the year. This killed me! P.E.!! I Haven't had P.E. since Junior High School. People in P.E. , I thought were lazy people who couldn't play a sport if they wanted to! Well that didn't matter to anyone because I had my chance.  I disappointed my family, my coaches, my teammates, my teachers, my school and my self. It wasn't a good feeling. The people that looked to me to make a difference, because everyone on a team is needed and important if they are doing what they need to do, are now looking at me like, "why did you give up on us". It just wasn't fun! 

So my Sophomore year of High School, I was a regular student. No traveling, no Sizzler meals, no practicing with  my team, No new jersey's no new bags, no new shoes, no NADA! This sucked big time! 

This taught me a lesson and I realized that my future depended on every decision I make in my life. Although I didn't wind up being Valedictorian of Gahr High I did finish school and got a chance to play with my teammates for 2 more years after that. I never wanted to feel that feeling of rejection ever again! So please if you want to take your basketball skills to the next level, you have to remember that your education comes first and foremost. If sports or anything get in the way, it can and will be taken from you. 

Ill tell you more of the story tomorrow in the next section... 

Feel free to ask me any questions , leave comments, and definitely subscribe to this blog. 
As I said before I'm here to give you my story, my advice and my love for basketball as you girls have. 

I'm excited and cant wait till the next time... keep ballin' girl, the games not over yet! 

Mone't ( but you can call me Moe)


  1. I remember you, Moe! Thanks for posting on my blog. The day Chandi tore her ACL was the first UH game I attended that season!

    Keep up the good work and keep dispensing the advice to the young ladies.

    Go Coogs!

  2. Hey Kris, I appreciate it! And yes! I remember you too! Thanks for stopping by my new blog! I really appreciate it.

    You too keep ur blog rolling. I see you have a nice fan base too! :)
